

Core Ultrasound
The ultimate POCUS website bringing together The Ultrasound Podcast, 5 min Sono and Ultrasound of the Week and much more
very diversatile ultrasound website with on-line curriculum
nice website with short how-to-do videos, reference values, literature overview
Sonoguide: Ultrasound Guide for Emergency Physicians
DEUS Timers
a comprehensive site that includes hundreds of lectures, cases, videos, and articles that includes basic bedside ultrasound applications, but goes beyond that to satisfy the needs of all US enthusiasts.
Topics in Bedside Ultrasound; a place where the interesting, funny, cool and geeky meet to share their tips/tricks/knowledge of and adventures with bedside focused EM ultrasound.
Emergency Ultrasonography
– a comprehensive website geared to emergency physicians that contains many lectures, cases, and educational content that can be used by residencies for the didactic portion of ultrasound education by Dr, Geoff Hayden.
Ultrasound section of HQMedEd
Ultrasound section of the American College of Emergency Physcians, including the core curriculum and resources
The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine is a multidisciplinary medical association of more than 9000 physicians, sonographers, scientists, students, and other health care providers
SAEM Academy of Emergency Ultrasound
an international forum bringing together clinician sonologists with the common goal of advancing patient care and safety through the use of bedside ultrasound. Sinai EM Ultrasound a complete site of free online lectures, cases, research articles, and news on bedside ultrasound topics by Dr. Bret Nelson.
Society of US in Medical Education
SUSME learning modules and curriculum databases with a long lecture list on all basic bedside ultrasound topics that allows the learner to control the pace of the lecture.
Vanderbilt’s EM Ultrasound
a collection of brief lectures on each bedside ultrasound topic in a well-organized way with quizzes that can be taken to test your knowledge by Dr. Jim Fiechtl
BestBets Ultrasound
Ultrasound related BestBet’s.
the world leading scientific organization committed to developing point-of-care ultrasound practice throughout in-hospital and out-of-hospital critical scenarios
MGH Emergency Ultrasound
educational website with cases and tutorial video materials
extensive ultrasound specific anatomy and pathology knowledge and image resource
extensive broad radiology imaging knowledge and image resource, not only ultrasound
ICU Sonography website from a Medical ICU group in India
Online learning MSK
real-life MSK Ultrasound cases
Ultrasound of the Week
Podcast on ultrasound cases of the critically ill
Ultrasound Cases
teaching file with a large number of general ultrasound cases
Gastric Ultrasound
website dedicated to gastric ultrasound
group of enthusiastic ultrasound users and supporters in the Emergency Department’s of the Greater Sydney area
Emergency Ultrasound Training
Lectures, content and cases on emergency ultrasound
Ultrasound section of the Family Practice Notebook
POCUS Ireland
Dedicated to the development of point of care ultrasound in Ireland
Lung ultrasound training site
Asynchronous Crowdsourced Education for Clinical Ultrasound. FOAM US curriculum
The Radiology Assistant
Educational site of the Radiological Society
of the Netherlands
Ultrasound Idiots
open educational resource for the clinical application of point-of-care ultrasound.
by Clinical Care Northhampton
Point-of-Care Ultrasonography for Primary Care Physicians and General Internists
Mooi artikel over de waarde van PoCUS ten opzichte van o.a. het lichamelijk onderzoek.
Echo phantoms zelf maken
ZEDU Ultrasound training solutions DIY Ultrasound Phantom Compendium
Educational videos covering basic to advanced emergency ultrasound topics. Covers lectures and cases.
Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick PoCUS Club
A group of medical students from Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick with the goal to provide accessible resources for novices who are learning to use PoCUS.
Point of Care Ultrasound Made EASY for everyone!!
ACEP-SAEM Ultrasound Journal Club
Registraties van ook live bij te wonen Journal Club samenwerking tussen ACEP en SAEM.


WONCA Europe position paper on the use of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in primary care
World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (WONCA) verenigt 47 organisaties waaronder NHG en vertegenwoordigt 120000 huisartsen. "POCUS is an accessible and promising medical tool capable of increasing diagnostic value and accuracy within primary care. It has the potential to reduce healthcare costs, patient travel, waiting times, and need for referral to secondary care services."
Use and impact of point-of-care ultrasonography in general practice: a prospective observational study
"Using POCUS altered the GPs’ diagnostic process and clinical decision-making in nearly three out of four consultations."
Point-of-Care Ultrasound in General Practice: A Systematic Review
"POCUS has the potential to be an important tool for the general practitioner and may possibly reduce health care costs.."
Budget Impact Analysis of Abdominal Ultrasound in Dutch Primary Care
"Conclusions: Abdominal ultrasound in general practice leads to lower costs compared to abdominal ultrasounds performed in hospitals and DTCs, caused by the use of different reimbursement tariffs for ultrasound examinations and fewer referrals to specialist care.."
The benefits of doing ultrasound exams in your office
Family medicine ultrasound is more accurate, more cost-effective, and less time-consuming than you might imagine. Here’s how it can improve your care.
FOCUS on POCUS podcast: The Danish Society for Ultrasound in General Practice: A conversation with the Chair
POCUS 101: Introductie Obstretrische point-of-care-echografie
POCUS 101: Introductie gynaecologische echografie
POCUS 101: abdominale echografie
Tutorial ultrasound liver and spleen by Dr. Sandra Werner, MD
Tutorial ultrasound liver galbladder pancreas by Mark Rosen, MD FCCM FCCP MDY RDMS
Point-of-Care Ultrasonography Am Fam Physician. 2020
Point-of-Care Ultrasound: A Practical Guide for Primary Care Fam Pract Manag. 2020

Critical en Intensive Care

Build sonography knowledge, the lessons feature multimedia sonography presentations with instructor voice and text narration
ICM Teaching
covers a wide range of topics in Intensive Care Medicine and Ultrasound
Critical Care Ultrasound Training resources from the Greater Sydney Area Helicopter EM Service
Critical care sono
Critical Care Ultrasonography Forum from Beth Israel New York’s Division
forum to promote learning, knowledge sharing, and propel providers to utilize ultrasonography at the bedside to improve patient care
Vimeo cases critical care and EM


OLVG site with normal values, imaging and instuctions
Echo Guru
discussion and education site on Echocardiography
Echoholics Anonymous
enjoying fine echocardiography & beer
ECHO site of the makers of EKGPedia
for ICU, anaesthesia, and emergency medicine
European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) wiki on echo
Stanford University
Echocardiography in ICU
– echocardiography atlas
University of Utah
Division of Perioperative Echocardiography
Toronto General Hospital
Virtual TEE
Winfocus Echo
Winfocus echo group
TTE Virtual Transthorarcaal echocardiography
Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FOCUS) Interactieve module voor de basis cardiale views
Nepean ICU
Mooie verzameling presentaties met advanced echocardiografie casus met analyse en uitleg.
Prachtige site met uitgebreide bronnen voor onderwijs van South London Intensive Care Echo (SLICE).

Echogeleide regionaal anaesthesie

lipid rescue
Handige website met alle info over intralipid voor behandeling van LAST
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia: Interactive Manual for Beginners
Mooi interactief ibook voor echogeleide zenuwblokkades
– Ultrasound for Regional Anesthesia
nice block page from Jack Vander Beek, an RN working with a group of anesthesiologists in Olympia Washington.
– a limited collection of peripheral nerve blocks covering the most common surgical requirements
– New York School of Regional Anesthesia on ultrasound guided blocks.
You tube kanaal van expert regionaal anesthesie Ki-Jinn Chin
Welcome to my collection of educational videos on regional anesthesia and vascular access. My goal is to increase the accessibility, safety and efficacy of these valuable techniques to further advance perioperative patient care. Please leave comments and questions; if I can answer them, I will. Thanks for watching!
education resource on ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia/blocks
Highland Ultrasound
EM Ultrasound Fueled pain management
Cook County Regional
Regional Anesthesia Website of JHS Hospital of Cook County with an in-depth discussion of several subjects related to regional anesthesia
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) voorbeeld van Echogeleide perifere zenuwblokkades op de Spoedeisende Hulp
IJEM 2018: Emergency physician-performed ultrasound-guided nerve blocks in proximal femoral fractures provide safe and effective pain relief: a prospective observational study in The Netherlands
PAJUNK Blockposters and App
5 min Sono Nerve Block Vids
Serratus anterior plane block (SAPB)
Radial Nerve
Ulnar Nerve
Median Nerve
Sciatic Popliteal
Supraclavicular Nerve
Interscalene Brachial Plexus
Posterior Tibial Nerve
Fascia Iliaca Compartment (FICB)
Anesthesia Key: dermatomes, myotomes osteotomes of the leg and arm (figure 34-2 – 34-5)
Ankle Block: landmark en ultrasound technique
Cochrane review: Peripheral nerve blocks for hip fractures
PENG block tips and tricks


Ultrasound clips and image resource from the Ultrasound Podcast
The Pocus Atlas
The POCUS Image Atlas is a collection of rare, exemplary, and perfectly captured ultrasound images intended to be used as educational material. The infographics of The Evidence Atlas showcase the data powering the POCUS movement


Protocol POCUS bij COVID-19
Protocol ontwikkeld door DEUS en FanofEM Auteurs: Svenja Haak, AIOS SEG, Emile van der Have, SEH-arts en Vincent Rietveld, SEH-arts
The role of lung ultrasound as a frontline diagnostic tool in the era of COVID-19 outbreak
Findings of lung ultrasonography of novel corona virus pneumonia during the 2019–2020 epidemic
Can Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pneumonia?
Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Lung ultrasound for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in the Emergency Department
The utility of lung ultrasound in COVID-19:A systematic scoping review
Diagnosing COVID-19 pneumonia in a pandemic setting: Lung Ultrasound versusCT (LUVCT) A multi-centre, prospective, observational study
Mooie prospectieve studie van Nederlandse bodem!
ASE Statement on Point-of-Care Ultrasound during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic
Artikelen Echo voor Covid-19 van ZEDU ultrasound training solutions
Resources COVID-19 en POCUS van ZEDU
Uitgebreide informatie over COVID-19 en POCUS: arikelen , webinars , desinfectieprotocollen
ECHO bij COVID-19 pagina van POCUS Atlas
Evidence en protocollen en nuttige links over Echo bij COVID-19 maar vooral ook veel illustratieve beelden en filmpjes
Echo bij COVID-19 resources van Society of Point-of-care-ultrasound
Canadian Internal Medicine Ultrasound (CIMUS) Expert Consensus Statement on the Use of Lung Ultrasound for the Assessment of Medical Inpatients With Known or Suspected Coronavirus Disease 2019
Multi-organ point-of-care ultrasound for COVID-19 (PoCUS4COVID): international expert consensus
Review met aanbevelingen voor gebruik van echo bij COVID-19 obv huidige evidence en expert opinion uit 27! landen.
Point-of-care lung ultrasound in the assessment of patients with COVID-19: A tutorial